JBoss User Groups (JBUGS)

A JBoss User Group is a group of people who share a common interest in JBoss software. They are organized and supported by the community and meet on a regular basis to discuss new technologies, development methodologies, interesting use cases, and other technical topics. The common goal is to provide education, help, and social events for the community and to promote open source.
If you would like to meet face-to-face with other members of the community then you can attend one of the JBug meetings in your local area. Similarly if you have something that you would like to talk about then feel free to contact your local JBug and ask to give a small presentation at the next meeting.
How to start a User Group
If there isn't a JBoss User Group in your area then we'd be more than happy to help you start one. With a little effort to get the ball rolling the results can be very rewarding, both personally and professionally. Read the JBUG Guide or Contact us for details on how we can help and advice on what to do.
View JBoss User Groups World Map in a larger map
Current User Groups
Argentina, Buenos Aires - (JBUG Buenos Aires) | We are a group of JBoss Middleware enthusiast who want to promote the use of technology with our pairs. We think of a community driven by like minded individuals who share our passion for JBoss technology. All of our core members works at Red Hat Argentina and have plenty of experience with local clients. |
Australia, Melbourne - (MJBUG) | http://groups.google.com.au/group/MJBUG |
Australia, Sydney - (Sydney JBUG) | http://community.jboss.org/groups/sydney-JBUG |
Belgium - (JBUG Belgium) | http://community.jboss.org/groups/JBUG-belgium |
Brasil - (JBUG Brasil) | O Grupo de Usuários JBUG:Brasil é um grupo de pessoas apaixonadas por middleware, especialmente JBoss. O principal objetivo é fazer com que o uso do JBoss cresça na comunidade promovendo a troca de experiencias entre os usuários com diferentes níveis de experiência. Todos os amantes de software livre estão convidados a participar do JBUG:Brasil. Junte-se a nós e participe dessa incrível jornada! |
China, Hefei - (JBUG Hefei) | The Hefei JBoss User Group are mainly interested in JBoss AS performance. |
Colombia - (JBoss User Group Colombia) | The Colombia JBoss User Group is a group of people in Colombia who share a common interest in JBoss Community projects (JBoss AS, Portal, Hibernate, Seam, RichFaces, Apache Tomcat and others). They are organized and supported by the community and meet (virtually or physically) on a regular basis to discuss new technologies, development methodologies, interesting use cases, and other technical topics. www.facebook.com/group.php |
Czech Republic, Prague - (Czech JBUG) | The Czech JBoss User Group is an association of professionals with common interest in JBoss Community software. The JBUG meets on a regular quarterly basis in the form of lectures and discussions where we share knowledge and experience with new technologies, development methodologies, use cases and other technical topics. The main goal is to learn from each other, socialise and promote open source. http://community.jboss.org/groups/JBUGcz |
Denmark - (JBUG Denmark) | http://www.meetup.com/JBoss-User-Group-Denmark-JBug-Denmark |
Germany - Düsseldorf | http://www.rheinjug.de |
Germany, Munich - (JBUG) | The Munich JBoss user Group is an independent community of interests in the south of Germany. It has the goal of making possible and/or of supporting the regional knowledge exchange between users from JBoss technologies in Munich, Germany. To Munich JBUG holds regular lectures and discussions on current topics from the JBoss Community and on interesting technologies from adjacent communities. Everyone is invited to the meetings and to participate around new developments, exchange ideas with experts and meet valuable contacts. http://www.JBUG-munich.org |
Germany - Paderborn Ost-Westfalen (JBUG OWL) | community.jboss.org/groups/JBUG-owl Leaders: Heiko Nowack, Wolf-Dieter Fink |
Germany, Stuttgart - (SJBUG) | http://jugs.de/sig-jboss.html |
Greece, Athens - (GR-JBUG) | A group for people interested in JBoss technologies. The group is independent of JBoss and its goal is to promote Open Source advocacy, education, support and socializing. We mostly discuss things in our mailing list: http://groups.google.com And we piggyback our meetings to the larger Java Hellenic User Group events. http://www.jhug.gr/ |
India, Bangalore - (JBUG Bangalore) | http://community.jboss.org/groups/JBUG-bangalore |
India, Delhi - (JBUG Delhi) | The JBUG Delhi chapter is a community of JBoss enthusiasts who aim to grow by sharing knowledge and learning from each other. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/jboss-user-group-delhi |
India, Kolkata - (JBUG Kolkata) | http://community.jboss.org/groups/JBUG-kolkata |
India, Pune - (JBUG Pune) | The JBoss User Group in Pune targets community members within India to participate in disscusions on various JBoss Community projects http://groups.google.co.in/group/JBUG-pune |
Indonesia - (JBUG Indonesia) | JBUG for developers in Indonesia https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/jboss-ug-indonesia |
Italy, Milan - (JBUG-Milano) | Milan and north area JBoss User Group. Information and working experiences on JBoss projects, products (AS, Hibernate, JBoss Rules, jBPM) and solutions. http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/JBUG-milano/ |
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Japan - (Japan JBUG (JJBUG)) | One of the very active JBoss User Group in the world. The major activities are as follows:
Korea, Seoul - (JBUG Korea) | The Korea JBoss User Group is a group of people who share experiences about the latest JBoss Community projects. The major activities are as follows:
Forum: http://cafe.naver.com/jbossug |
Netherlands, Rotterdam | Meetup: www.meetup.com/JBug-Netherlands/ JBoss Community Group: community.jboss.org/groups/jbug-netherlands |
Philippines, Metro Manila - Manila JBoss User Group (Manila JBUG) | http://www.meetup.com/Manila-JBUG |
Poland, Warsaw - Warsaw JBUG | http://wjub.pl |
Scotland - (JBUG: Scotland) | http://community.jboss.org/groups/jbug-scotland |
Singapore - (Singapore JBoss User Group ) | http://navssurtani.blogspot.com/ |
Slovenia, Ljubljna - (Openblend) | Slovenian JBoss User Group is a group of people who share a common interest in JBoss Community projects (JBoss AS, Seam, Hibernate, Weld, CDI). We meet on a monthly basis where we have one or more presenters of a topic followed with discussion and socializing afterwards |
Switzerland, Zurich - (Sig Swiss JBUG) | |
Tunisia - (JBUG Tunisia) | We are a group of JBoss enthusiasts who like to discuss the latest JBoss projects and other Open Source projects. |
Turkey, Fırat - (Fırat JBUG) | Fırat JBUG is the Jboss community in Fırat University |
Turkey (JBUG Turkey) | http://community.jboss.org/groups/turkey-jbug |
United Kingdom, JBUG London | JBUG London is organised and supported by the community, we meet on a regular basis in friendly and casual atmosphere to discuss new technologies, development methodologies, interesting use cases, and other technical topics. As a user group we encourage people to volunteer to talk about their experiences with any JBoss Community project. |
United Kingdom, Newcastle upon Tyne - (JBUG Newcastle) | A group of JBoss enthusiasts who like to meet and discuss the latest JBoss Community projects and JBoss Products or other Java Open Source projects http://community.jboss.org/groups/JBUG-newcastle |
USA Atlanta, Georgia | As a group of JBoss & Java developers, we wanted to start the first Atlanta JBUG to meet and discuss our knowledge of the subject. |
USA Salt Lake Valley, Utah - (Utah Java Users Group) | Java developers and users in the Salt Lake Valley and Utah Valley area. Many of which use Red Hat technologies or at least are interested in them. |
USA Irvine, California - (SoCal JBUG) | JBoss users in the Los Angeles and Orange Counties. |
USA San Francisco, California - (JBUG BayArea) |
USA Chantilly, Virginia - (DC JBoss Users Group) | We are a group of JBoss evangelists, enthusiasts, and practitioners. We share a common goal in learning more about JBoss and Open Source Java EE technologies. All our meetings are open to the public without any restrictions. |