JBoss Web Services - Stack Metro http://www.jboss.org/jbossws/ Version: jbossws-metro-3.2.2.GA Release Notes ============= The project home page (http://www.jboss.org/jbossws) and the community wiki (http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/JBossWS) are usually good starting points. They contain the User Guide and Quick Start instructions. A list of examples that accompany the UserGuide can be found in the tests directory that ship with the distribution. If you have any questions, please post to the JBossWS User Forum http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewforum&f=275 For details see the change log. http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBWS?report=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project:changelog-panel For issues that are scheduled for future versions see the road map. http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBWS?report=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project:roadmap-panel What's new in jbossws-metro-3.2.2.GA ---------------------------------- Bug * [JBWS-2769] - Make sure our test suites for all stacks pass on Windows XP * [JBWS-2820] - NPE when user has insufficent permissions to call a webservice method * [JBWS-2853] - Ineffective implementation of string normalize method * [JBWS-2859] - Optimize DefaultEndpoint.getTargetBeanClass() method Task * [JBWS-2692] - Define client/server security policy for JBWS testsuite and run it under a security manager * [JBWS-2770] - Rewrite org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.binding testcase to get SOAPMessageContext from handlers * [JBWS-2821] - Remove jbossws.sar from deploy directory * [JBWS-2826] - Give more time to copy the process inputstream and error stream in JBossWSTest * [JBWS-2835] - Remove deployers ordering workaround forAS 6.x series * [JBWS-2840] - Implement support for SOAP12 protocol in wsprovide * [JBWS-2848] - Fix build/testsuite for supporting AS 6.0.0.M1 integration target Errata See: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2867 This version of JBoss Web Services - Stack Metro is based on the following Metro components: * WSIT 1.3.1 * JAX-WS RI 2.1.7 * JAXB RI 2.1.12 Enjoy, The JBossWS Team Previous Releases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------- jbossws-metro-3.2.1.GA ---------------------- Bug * [JBWS-2479] - @XmlJavaTypeAdapter on SEI causes exception * [JBWS-2743] - Make sure all maven dependencies are downloaded only from JBoss repositories * [JBWS-2745] - Issue with stack switch and binary distro install * [JBWS-2759] - JBossWS installation doesn't work for non default configurations * [JBWS-2760] - wsconsume.bat and wsprovider.bat require JAVA_HOME environment variable in Winodws OS * [JBWS-2764] - Wrong SOAP stack version in JBoss webservices console * [JBWS-2773] - Remove JBossAS webservices integration layer from tests classpath Feature Request * [JBWS-2752] - Add 'nocompile' option to wsconsume (command line) Task * [JBWS-2613] - Ensure correct line ends in windows shell scripts (CRNL) * [JBWS-2727] - Fix AS-Tests-AS-6.0.0 hudson job * [JBWS-2749] - Update Hudson jobs because of JDK1.5 finishing EOL transition period * [JBWS-2750] - Reduce impact of logging on performances * [JBWS-2757] - Update Class-Path attribute in manifest * [JBWS-2763] - Miscellaneous performance optimizations * [JBWS-2772] - Remove JBoss kernel dependencies from SPI, COMMON and all STACKS * [JBWS-2792] - Update to latest available JAX-WS and JAXB RI Errata See: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2804 This version of JBoss Web Services - Stack Metro is based on the following Metro components: * WSIT 1.3.1 * JAX-WS RI 2.1.7 * JAXB RI 2.1.12 ---------------------- jbossws-metro-3.2.0.GA ---------------------- Bug * [JBWS-2597] - XsiNilLoader throws NPE when using FastInfoset and nullable elements * [JBWS-2630] - Invalid "Endpoint Address" in http://localhost:8080/jbossws/services, when a .war is embedded in a jar. * [JBWS-2668] - Add missing privileged blocks * [JBWS-2699] - BackwardCompatibleURLPatternDeploymentAspect is mangling URLs Feature Request * [JBWS-2619] - Consider DeploymentUnit's metadataLocation in ArchiveDeployment.getMetadataFileURL(..) * [JBWS-2652] - jboss-bootstrap upgrade Task * [JBWS-2247] - Rewrite test for JBWS-1190 making it stack agnostic * [JBWS-2402] - Upgrade JBoss-JAXR to 2.0.1 including its dependencies * [JBWS-2435] - Move jbossws documentation to http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/ * [JBWS-2457] - Update WS-Addressing tutorials to use JAXWS 2.1 AddressingFeature * [JBWS-2612] - Remove AS 4.2.x support from all stacks * [JBWS-2719] - Allow jconsole to be attached to testsuite * [JBWS-2333] - Refactor ArchiveDeployerHook.getWebservicesMetaData() to Separate Deployer * [JBWS-2370] - Ensure correct JBossWS startup if there are Webservice archived in deploy directory during JBossAS bootstrap * [JBWS-2382] - Fix JBossWS deployers processing * [JBWS-2658] - Update jboss.org/jbossws home page Errata See: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2737 This version of JBoss Web Services - Stack Metro is based on the following Metro components: * WSIT 1.3.1 * JAX-WS RI 2.1.4 * JAXB RI 2.1.9 ---------------------- jbossws-metro-3.1.1.GA ---------------------- Bug * [JBWS-1665] - incorrect wsdl generation * [JBWS-2555] - Miscellaneous issues reported by FindBugs * [JBWS-2564] - Use Server MBean instead of ServerConfig to get JBoss version * [JBWS-2573] - Fix JBossWS builds with Maven 2.0.10 * [JBWS-2574] - Investigate why jbws2308 test case fails with Maven 2.0.10 * [JBWS-2585] - JBossWS commandline tools reference not existing log4j config * [JBWS-2589] - Some deployment failures prevent re-deployment Feature Request * [JBWS-2151] - Provide wsrunclient.sh(.bat) for Metro and CXF Task * [JBWS-2327] - Provide tests for wsrunclient shell script * [JBWS-2524] - Sort out / remove GenericSOAPHandler duplicity * [JBWS-2532] - Fix MTOM/XOP Content Type Testcase failure * [JBWS-2537] - Simplify Hudson Jobs * [JBWS-2566] - Add Maven Release plugin * [JBWS-2568] - Remove AS 4.2 branch support (424 target) Errata See: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2605 This version of JBoss Web Services - Stack Metro is based on the following Metro components: * WSIT 1.3.1 * JAX-WS RI 2.1.4 * JAXB RI 2.1.9 ---------------------- jbossws-metro-3.1.0-GA ---------------------- Bug * [JBWS-2377] - jbossws-deploy.conf in 'all' configuration links libraries in 'default' conf * [JBWS-2384] - NameAlreadyBoundException when more than one virtual host are specified in @WebContext(virtualHosts) annotation variable * [JBWS-2416] - Search is not working on the mediawiki Task * [JBWS-2090] - Setup mailing lists for metro,cxf user forums * [JBWS-2385] - Prevent exception when registering jaxb-xjc on startup * [JBWS-2431] - Update native deployment macros to don't publish jaxb-api.jar and stax-api.jar to JBOSS_HOME/lib directory * [JBWS-2444] - Update hudson, deploy scripts, etc. for new AS repository layout * [JBWS-2450] - Enable target 2.1 option when using WSImport * [JBWS-2483] - Add smoke tools tests to the binary distro * [JBWS-2505] - Remove container integration layer for AS 5.1.0 and AS 6.0.0 Errata See: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2544 This version of JBoss Web Services - Stack Metro is based on the following Metro components: * WSIT 1.3.1 * JAX-WS RI 2.1.4 * JAXB RI 2.1.9 ---------------------- jbossws-metro-3.0.5.GA ---------------------- Feature Request * [JBWS-2303] - Update to more recent Metro components * [JBWS-2334] - Use Woodstox on client side when running tests * [JBWS-2375] - Add getChildren fuctionality to UnifiedVirtualFile Bug * [JBWS-2206] - WSDL imports are not replaced with absolute path * [JBWS-2257] - Wrong WebServiceContext injected in EJB3 endpoints * [JBWS-2307] - Stub properties not propagated through service-ref * [JBWS-2364] - Incorrect JBossWS version displayed in server startup log * [JBWS-2374] - Fix wsdl and xml imported docs collection * [JBWS-2399] - Specify groupId explicitly in assembly creating deploy-artifacts directory * [JBWS-2407] - HandlerChain is not set on client side when specified via WebServiceRefs Task * [JBWS-2165] - Fix xop tests with maven build * [JBWS-2306] - Check dependencies on xws-security.jar * [JBWS-2339] - Improve endpoint lifecycle management * [JBWS-2343] - Enable tests requiring atp/wsgen on client side * [JBWS-2355] - Remove Aspect Manager support from AbstractEndpointServlet * [JBWS-2366] - Restore missing images on wiki * [JBWS-2371] - Fix maven build to include right woodstox artifact * [JBWS-2383] - Fix JBossWS deployment macros for new JBossAS trunk directory structure * [JBWS-2391] - Update to JAXWS-RI 2.1.4 * [JBWS-2392] - Update to WSIT 1.3.1 * [JBWS-2396] - Disable the wrapper generator provided by the integration layer Errata See: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2427 This version of jbossws-metro-3.0.5.GA is based on the following Metro components: * WSIT 1.3.1 * JAX-WS RI 2.1.4 * JAXB RI 2.1.9 ---------------------- jbossws-metro-3.0.4.GA ---------------------- Feature Request * [JBWS-2129] - Implement wrapper classes generation in Metro stack runtime Bug * [JBWS-1772] - WSConsume output is not correctly redirected * [JBWS-2246] - NPE deploying web services in service archive in CR1 release * [JBWS-2271] - TomcatDeployer / MainDeployer: Could not start deployment * [JBWS-2290] - Missing property jbossws.integration.target during ant eclipse * [JBWS-2322] - Commandline JBossWS Native Tests Are Not Cross Platform * [JBWS-2336] - Fix JSE deployers ordering * [JBWS-2363] - Binary distribution has ant.properties instead of ant.properties.example Task * [JBWS-2286] - Provide source distributions * [JBWS-2289] - Update source code headers * [JBWS-2310] - Restore hudson job cleaning maven repository * [JBWS-2320] - JBossWS ant and maven targets don't work on Windows OS Errata See: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2357 ---------------------- jbossws-metro-3.0.3.GA ---------------------- Bug * [JBWS-1673] - Fix JAXR samples for Metro * [JBWS-2087] - WSDL fault exception is wrapped in WebService exception when using JbossWS-Metro * [JBWS-2128] - DefaultHttpContext is not a supported context * [JBWS-2130] - WebServiceException: null is not a valid service * [JBWS-2132] - IllegalArgumentException: protocol = http host = null * [JBWS-2134] - Fault string, and possibly fault code, not set * [JBWS-2135] - WebServiceException: Undefined port type * [JBWS-2136] - ClassCastException: com.sun.xml.ws.server.EndpointMessageContextImpl * [JBWS-2194] - Cannot get security domain declared through jboss.xml DD * [JBWS-2243] - Web Service not being deployed as service endpoint on server restart * [JBWS-2249] - NPE while creating endpoint Feature Request * [JBWS-981] - Virtual host configuration for EJB endpoints * [JBWS-2191] - Provide junit tests for the record management tools * [JBWS-2211] - Provide a UsernameToken sample with custom handlers Errata See: http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2280 ---------------------- jbossws-metro-3.0.2.GA ---------------------- Feature Request * [JBWS-1869] - Implement the stream based request handler API Task * [JBWS-2029] - Make the project generator available for all stacks * [JBWS-2097] - Unlock WS-ReliableMessaging in all stacks * [JBWS-2098] - Unlock WS-Security in all stacks * [JBWS-2099] - Unlock WS-Policy in all stacks * [JBWS-2100] - Unlock WS-Addressing in all stacks * [JBWS-2158] - Metro doesn't read keystore/trustore provided in the client and server jars Errata See: http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2219 ---------------------------- jbossws-3.0.1-metro-1.0.1.GA ---------------------------- Bug * [JBWS-1714] - Verify correct behaviour of @WebService.wsdlLocation * [JBWS-1996] - Metro Tools Integration Missing in Windows Batch Scripts (wsprovide,wsconsume) * [JBWS-2057] - Metro stax integration has a hardcoded dependency Feature Request * [JBWS-1871] - Support @HandlerChain on Service classes * [JBWS-1990] - Support for SOAP 1.2 in wsconsume Task * [JBWS-1865] - Unify SOAP message trace * [JBWS-1982] - Simplify deploy/undeploy cycles for different stacks * [JBWS-1994] - Fix metro build issues Errata FIXME: [JBWS-1671] SunRI client handler cannot set mime header FIXME: [JBWS-1673] Fix JAXR samples for SunRI FIXME: [JBWS-1777] WSProvide output is not correctly redirected FIXME: [JBWS-1869] Implement the stream based request handler API FIXME: [JBWS-1947] Metro clients require jnpserver.jar FIXME: [JBWS-1949] Metro MTOM ignores content-type on attachment part -------------------------- jbossws-3.0-metro-1.0.0.GA -------------------------- Bug * [JBWS-1669] - Fix WebServiceContext.getMessageContext() for EJB endpoints * [JBWS-1681] - Fix SunRI XOP contentType handling * [JBWS-1684] - Fix @WebServiceRef with SunRI * [JBWS-1772] - WSConsume output is not correctly redirected Feature Request * [JBWS-1667] - Implement WSContractProvider for Sun-RI integration * [JBWS-1737] - Fix service-ref for Sun-RI Task * [JBWS-1670] - SunRI client does not throw UserException * [JBWS-1675] - Redirect SunRI logging to jboss log * [JBWS-1951] - Release jbossws-metro-1.0.0 binary * [JBWS-1954] - Include Metro specific tests in hudson QA * [JBWS-1955] - Use stable Metro CVS tag/version Errata FIXME: [JBWS-1671] SunRI client handler cannot set mime header FIXME: [JBWS-1672] SunRI does not respect @HandlerChain on client SEI FIXME: [JBWS-1772] WSConsume output is not correctly redirected FIXME: [JBWS-1777] WSProvide output is not correctly redirected FIXME: [JBWS-1776] Verify isolated classloading with WSProvide FIXME: [JBWS-1773] Verify isolated classloading with WSConsume