JBoss Web Services - Stack Native http://www.jboss.org/jbossws/ Version: jbossws-native-3.1.0.GA Release Notes ============= The wiki (http://labs.jboss.com/portal/jbossws/) is usally a good starting point. It contains the User Guide and Quick Start instructions. A list of examples that accompany the UserGuide can be found in the tests directory that ship with the distribution. If you have any questions, please post to the JBossWS User Forum http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewforum&f=200 For details see the change log. http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBWS?report=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project:changelog-panel For issues that are scheduled for future versions see the road map. http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBWS?report=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project:roadmap-panel What's new in jbossws-native-3.1.0.GA ---------------------------------- Feature Request * [JBWS-2441] - Complete JAX-WS 2.1 implementation * [JBWS-2446] - Complete support for WebServiceFeature * [JBWS-2451] - Support JAXB annotations on SEI when producing wsdls * [JBWS-2452] - Implement EndpointReference related methods * [JBWS-2454] - Add javax.xml.ws.reference.parameters values in message context * [JBWS-2477] - Support generics in wrapper classes * [JBWS-2491] - Enable JAXWS 2.1 WebServiceContext methods Bug * [JBWS-2195] - MTOM services seem to return two extra bytes at the end * [JBWS-2288] - Exception handling issue in org.jboss.ws.core.CommonClient. * [JBWS-2368] - JAX-WS Deployments Fail For AOP Instrumented Endpoints * [JBWS-2377] - jbossws-deploy.conf in 'all' configuration links libraries in 'default' conf * [JBWS-2412] - WSDL schema imports do not published successfully * [JBWS-2416] - Search is not working on the mediawiki * [JBWS-2419] - MTOM/XOP message use always "text/xml" for start-info regardless of content type associated with the content (SOAP message) * [JBWS-2432] - NullPointerException processing headers without actor * [JBWS-2437] - WSDL access url with resource suffix allows any arbitrary xml file to be viewed * [JBWS-2443] - services page does not correctly update host address of endpoints * [JBWS-2482] - Fix WSConsumerPlugin.testTarget() classloading issues * [JBWS-2509] - dar.JMSClientTestCase contains AS4 specific code Patch * [JBWS-2404] - Efficient string handling Task * [JBWS-1312] - Fix JMS transport in trunk * [JBWS-1999] - WS-Security Usename Token Profile JAAS Implementation for JSE based WebServices * [JBWS-2150] - Migrate AddressRewritingTestCase to jaxws * [JBWS-2196] - FastInfoset interoperability * [JBWS-2431] - Update native deployment macros to don't publish jaxb-api.jar and stax-api.jar to JBOSS_HOME/lib directory * [JBWS-2444] - Update hudson, deploy scripts, etc. for new AS repository layout * [JBWS-2445] - Move jaxws 2.1 partial impl from jaxws-ext to jaxws module * [JBWS-2450] - Enable target 2.1 option when using WSImport * [JBWS-2455] - Conformance Requirements JAX-WS 2.1 * [JBWS-2483] - Add smoke tools tests to the binary distro * [JBWS-2504] - Use ControllerContext instead of KernelRegistryEntry which will be deprecated * [JBWS-2505] - Remove container integration layer for AS 5.1.0 and AS 6.0.0 Errata See: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2545 Enjoy, The JBossWS Team Previous Releases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What's new in jbossws-native-3.0.5.GA ------------------------------------- Feature Request * [JBWS-2323] - Allow the Xerces defer-node-expansion optimisation to be disabled * [JBWS-2373] - Dynamic address re-writing if the request URL does not have a port do not add a port to the generated address * [JBWS-2375] - Add getChildren fuctionality to UnifiedVirtualFile * [JBWS-2401] - Drop port from URL for endpoint where default port for the protocol is being used Bug * [JBWS-1862] - RPC DII Calls Assume response parameter is called 'result' in the response message * [JBWS-2266] - Schema Validation Feature Fails for Special Characters * [JBWS-2268] - Implement @PostConstruct and @Predestroy annotations support for POJO based endpoints (JSR 109 conformance) * [JBWS-2304] - DOMUtils ThreadLocals not cleared for client calls * [JBWS-2346] - Issue with SAAJ API: SOAPBody.getElementsByTagNameNS() appears non-recursive * [JBWS-2372] - Protocol not considered when re-writing address in WSDL based on request address * [JBWS-2378] - Fix remoting client usage for one-way invocations * [JBWS-2389] - WSDL To Java - Anonymous types nested within anonymous types generated JAX-RPC mapping does not match generated source * [JBWS-2399] - Specify groupId explicitly in assembly creating deploy-artifacts directory Task * [JBWS-2339] - Improve endpoint lifecycle management * [JBWS-2340] - Refactor JAXBIntroDA * [JBWS-2355] - Remove Aspect Manager support from AbstractEndpointServlet * [JBWS-2366] - Restore missing images on wiki * [JBWS-2371] - Fix maven build to include right woodstox artifact * [JBWS-2383] - Fix JBossWS deployment macros for new JBossAS trunk directory structure Errata See: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2422 What's new in jbossws-native-3.0.4.GA ------------------------------------- Bug * [JBWS-1188] - Relax requirement for wsu:id for UsernameToken * [JBWS-2011] - Signature is invalid error when the message contains \r * [JBWS-2245] - test cannot find temp directory * [JBWS-2246] - NPE deploying web services in service archive in CR1 release * [JBWS-2264] - NPE when web services are shut down * [JBWS-2267] - Some Tests are Failing on Machines Without Internet Access * [JBWS-2278] - JBossWS is picking the wrong binding when both Soap1.1 and Soap1.2 bindings are provided for a port * [JBWS-2285] - ClassCastException: org.jboss.ws.core.soap.TextImpl in LogicalMessageImpl.getPayload * [JBWS-2290] - Missing property jbossws.integration.target during ant eclipse * [JBWS-2309] - PasswordType element uses wss-wssecurity-secext NS instead of wss-username-token-profile * [JBWS-2322] - Commandline JBossWS Native Tests Are Not Cross Platform * [JBWS-2326] - wsrunclient shell script is unfunctional due to incorrect classpath * [JBWS-2319] - ClassCastException in SOAPBody.extractContentAsDocument(); * [JBWS-2325] - Each request results to an open file descriptor * [JBWS-2336] - Fix JSE deployers ordering * [JBWS-2363] - Binary distribution has ant.properties instead of ant.properties.example Task * [JBWS-1397] - Fix for jboss-5.0.x * [JBWS-2286] - Provide source distributions * [JBWS-2289] - Update source code headers * [JBWS-2310] - Restore hudson job cleaning maven repository * [JBWS-2320] - JBossWS ant and maven targets don't work on Windows OS Errata See: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2352 What's new in jbossws-native-3.0.3.GA ---------------------------------------- Feature Request * [JBWS-981] - Virtual host configuration for EJB endpoints * [JBWS-2191] - Provide junit tests for the record management tools * [JBWS-2207] - Allow to fully initialize the WS stack * [JBWS-2270] - Re-use JAXBContext whenever possible Bug * [JBWS-1987] - NoClassDefFoundError with testsuite against SOA-P * [JBWS-2152] - @WebFault does not behave like @XmlType * [JBWS-2155] - Not supporting JMS endpoints for WS-Addressing * [JBWS-2186] - Transforming from SAAJ SOAPBody to StreamResult throws IndexOutOfBoundsException * [JBWS-2187] - Handler Chain Management Prevents Service Re-Use * [JBWS-2189] - Attribute EncodingType is required for Nonce element * [JBWS-2190] - Default encoding is used to decode responses * [JBWS-2194] - Cannot get security domain declared through jboss.xml DD * [JBWS-2216] - Soap address incorrect for https * [JBWS-2233] - EJB3 webserviceref failure * [JBWS-2234] - SOAP 1.2 Endpoint sends SOAP 1.1 messages * [JBWS-2240] - PortComponent from jboss.xml descriptor is not parsed * [JBWS-2242] - WSDL To Java doesn't handle hyphens in PortType properly * [JBWS-2250] - Reference to JAXBElement Causes NullPointerException on deployment * [JBWS-2260] - WSDL to Java, hyphen in PortType not being mapped correctly in generated descriptors * [JBWS-2265] - Wrong UsernameTokenProfile namespace in Password Type attribute Task * [JBWS-2182] - Provide a partial encryption test case * [JBWS-2255] - Upgrade JAXR from 1.2.0.GA to 1.2.0.SP2 Errata See: TODO: http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2281 What's new in jbossws-native-3.0.2.GA ---------------------------------------- Feature Request * [JBWS-652] - Add JAAS certificate authentication support to ws-security implementation * [JBWS-1278] - WSDL To Java, add a configuration option so all generated types can implement java.io.Serializable * [JBWS-1316] - Add support for a configurable time tolerance value that handles clock skew * [JBWS-1907] - authorization based on certificate used for wsse signature * [JBWS-2156] - Allow JBossWS users to include xml declaration processing instruction in SOAP messages Bug * [JBWS-2012] - Attachment support for JAX-WS collections * [JBWS-2014] - MTOM + WS-Security not working * [JBWS-2035] - Cannot determine variable name for void wrapper * [JBWS-2089] - isXOPPackage() is returning an incorrect value * [JBWS-2103] - JBoss tools classpath problem * [JBWS-2153] - Cannot Extract Schema Definition * [JBWS-2159] - Faults not handled correctly for WS-RM services * [JBWS-2172] - Additional \n when restoring XOP elements Task * [JBWS-2013] - Implement standard message context properties * [JBWS-2116] - Sample for certificate authentication * [JBWS-2123] - Update to jaxb-2.1.6 * [JBWS-2124] - Expose http chunking through SOAPConnection Errata See: http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2220 What's new in jbossws-3.0.1-native-2.0.4 ---------------------------------------- Feature Request * [JBWS-925] - Provide initial support for FastInfoset * [JBWS-1124] - Scoped class loading domains for WS endpoints * [JBWS-1165] - Provide initial support JSON data binding * [JBWS-1172] - Support schema validation for incoming/outgoing messages * [JBWS-1211] - Add support for @WebFault * [JBWS-1296] - Add support for digest + nonces * [JBWS-1814] - Dynamic Encryption based on clients input * [JBWS-1820] - Using JRE from vendors other than Sun the Remoting key store and trust store algorithms are not propagated * [JBWS-1844] - Implement Provider.createW3CEndpointReference() * [JBWS-1850] - Documentation support for Java->WSDL * [JBWS-1861] - Improve exception message on invalid @WebService usage on SEI * [JBWS-1865] - Unify SOAP message trace * [JBWS-1886] - Provide basic configuration for WS-enabled user projects * [JBWS-1890] - Provide basic project configuration for JBossWS tests * [JBWS-1893] - Provide meaningful advanced samples * [JBWS-1968] - Documentation support for WSDL->Java * [JBWS-1988] - Complete Username Token Profile 1.0 * [JBWS-1990] - Support for SOAP 1.2 in wsconsume * [JBWS-2022] - Provide interface for WSSecurityDispatcher Bug * [JBWS-1217] - WSDLtoJava Namespace to package mapping does not support multiple namespaces * [JBWS-1763] - Incorrect handling of charsets when the default charset is not UTF-8 * [JBWS-1857] - JAXBContext created for every wrapper type * [JBWS-1878] - ConcurrentModificationException in initHandlerChain() * [JBWS-1905] - jaxws-samples-logicalhandler-jaxb.war produces: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jboss.ws.core.soap.TextImpl * [JBWS-1909] - RequestHandler.handlerWSDLResquest has dependency on Servlet API * [JBWS-1912] - DispatcherDelegate - Bypass RMIAdaptor when used locally * [JBWS-1938] - Assign message name instead of IN and OUT for Inbound/Outbound Addressing Property * [JBWS-1941] - Fault handler chain is not called when user application exceptions are thrown * [JBWS-1948] - Optional SOAP Header element is required by WSSecurityHandlerServer handler * [JBWS-1957] - WS-Eventing extension sends incorrect HTTP content-type * [JBWS-1964] - showSubscriptionTable MBean Method - NullPointerException * [JBWS-1965] - subscribe method on subscription manager - NullPointerException * [JBWS-1966] - No Handler execution for inbound response when using Dispatch * [JBWS-1969] - Cannot publish wsdl with imported schema files, using bottom up approach * [JBWS-1970] - wsrunclient doesn't work with args * [JBWS-1971] - Missing clone on MemoryBufferRecorder * [JBWS-1973] - MTOM/XOP attachments not inlined when using JAX-WS handlers * [JBWS-1974] - Using signature as security in a webservice throws an error when loglevel not Debug * [JBWS-1979] - Endpoint address prop doesn't work with Dispatch * [JBWS-1985] - EntityResolver not used when reading web.xml during web serivce deployment * [JBWS-2000] - MTOM: Chunked encoding transfer problem * [JBWS-2009] - WSDLFilePublisher throws FileNotFoundException when schema files are not in wsdl directory * [JBWS-2011] - Signature is invalid error when the message contains \r * [JBWS-2018] - JavatoWSDL Package to Namespace mapping does not support multiple packages * [JBWS-2019] - WSDL To Java - Case of service-interface and service-endpoint-interface in JAX-RPC mapping does not match generated interface when WSDL type begins with lower case * [JBWS-2058] - 'wsa:From' header field is assigned to variable 'replyTo' instead of 'from' Task * [JBWS-515] - Provide an initial implementation for WS-ReliableMessaging * [JBWS-1724] - wsconsume cannot use part names that are friendly to .NET * [JBWS-1776] - Verify isolated classloading with WSProvide * [JBWS-1978] - Evaluate (and remove) JBPM dependency from component info * [JBWS-1982] - Simplify deploy/undeploy cycles for different stacks Errata FIXME: [JBWS-751] Multiple schema imports with the same namespace FIXME: [JBWS-1312] Fix JMS transport in trunk FIXME: [JBWS-1397] Fix for jboss-5.0.x FIXME: [JBCTS-540] EJB3 proxy does not implement the Home interface FIXME: [JBWS-981] Virtual host configuration for EJB endpoints FIXME: [JBWS-798] Complete EventingTestCase FIXME: [JBWS-2044] Rewrite Server side file system based RM store What's new in jbossws-2.0.3.GA ------------------------------ Feature Request * [JBWS-1257] - Add configuration for token references * [JBWS-1850] - Documentation support for Java->WSDL * [JBWS-1874] - Allow configuration of secret key wrap algorithm * [JBWS-1880] - WS-Addressing with endpoints using soap 1.2 * [JBWS-1897] - Enable/disable logging on every endpoint * [JBWS-1898] - Statistics/logs about clients calling endpoints * [JBWS-1899] - Fine grained management of statistics recording * [JBWS-1904] - Explicitly set the namespace of a WebFault * [JBWS-1911] - Support the JMS transport with JAX-WS * [JBWS-1950] - Show collected records as html table in jmx-console Bug * [JBWS-1217] - WSDLtoJava Namespace to package mapping does not support multiple namespaces * [JBWS-1324] - JMS Endpoint - Message delivery starts before endpoint is ready. * [JBWS-1762] - web.xml modified to web.xml.org - Subsequent runs fail * [JBWS-1813] - context-root in jboss.xml is ignored * [JBWS-1819] - wsrunclient script(s) differ and do not always function. * [JBWS-1841] - WebServiceRef injection from DD doesn't work * [JBWS-1873] - WSDL to Java - Incorrect case of generated type for anonymous type. * [JBWS-1876] - Wrong Content-Type in SOAP 1.2 messages * [JBWS-1879] - @BindingType is read from SEI instead of endpoint implementation * [JBWS-1881] - WSDL To Java - All generated types have first character upper case, extends clause in base types do not take this into account. * [JBWS-1906] - Stack overflow exception when reading bad wsdl files * [JBWS-1924] - Verify installation script for jboss-4.2.1.GA * [JBWS-1937] - Document/Literal addressing endpoint fails when retreiving Outbound Action * [JBWS-1939] - URL port information of soap:address is different from import schemaLocation URL Errata * FIXME [JBCTS-540] EJB3 proxy does not implement the Home interface * FIXME [JBWS-1460] @XmlMimeType on SEI parameter declarations * FIXME [JBWS-1665] incorrect wsdl generation * FIXME [JBWS-1724] wsconsume cannot use part names that are friendly to .NET * FIXME [JBWS-1772] WSConsume output is not correctly redirected * FIXME [JBWS-1773] Verify isolated classloading with WSConsume * FIXME [JBWS-1776] Verify isolated classloading with WSProvide * FIXME [JBWS-751] Multiple schema imports with the same namespace * FIXME [JBWS-798] Complete EventingTestCase * FIXME [JBWS-981] Virtual host configuration for EJB endpoints What's new in jbossws-2.0.2.GA ------------------------------ Feature Request * [JBWS-492] - Add support for Policy Identification * [JBWS-493] - Add support for Compact Policy Expression * [JBWS-494] - Add support for Policy Intersection * [JBWS-895] - Provide support for policy attachments * [JBWS-1644] - Process wsdl extensibility elements * [JBWS-1645] - Modify WSDLGenerator to deal with policies * [JBWS-1806] - Add EndpointRegistry to jmx-console * [JBWS-1807] - HTTP bindings for Provider Bug * [JBWS-700] - Update documentation for dealing with attachments * [JBWS-1669] - Fix WebServiceContext.getMessageContext() for EJB endpoints * [JBWS-1704] - The Use Of Remoting Causes An Additional 'datatype' Parameter To Be Sent On All Requests * [JBWS-1735] - wstx.jar is missing from release, causes wsconsume to fail * [JBWS-1761] - WSProvide ignores SOAPBinding declaration * [JBWS-1791] - target deploy-jboss42-endorsed incomplete * [JBWS-1792] - init-param for handler defined in jaxrpc-config not processed * [JBWS-1795] - Type Substitution doesn't work with Schema2Java Client approach * [JBWS-1796] - deploy-jboss40-no-ejb3 build fails * [JBWS-1797] - Setting .NET friendly Endpoint in web.xml * [JBWS-1798] - Cannot find local schema with relative urls * [JBWS-1800] - Trying to monitor the JVM using -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote prevents the jbossws 2.0.1 from coming up * [JBWS-1801] - WSDL To Java - When an array if returned from a method on the SEI it is incorrectly ommitted from the generated JAX-RPC mapping. * [JBWS-1808] - BackwardCompatibleURLPatternDeploymentAspect is mangling valid URLpatterns * [JBWS-1809] - JAXBIntros are not taken into consideration when generating the WSDL * [JBWS-1811] - Cannot access CLIENT_ADDRESSING_PROPERTIES inside client * [JBWS-1815] - Missing fault detail in messages from SLSB Provider * [JBWS-1843] - WSDL with custom schema imports causes java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space when there are circular schema imports dependencies * [JBWS-1852] - Failed to create a new SAX parser * [JBWS-1856] - Attachment part not cleanup correctly * [JBWS-1903] - DOMUtils doesn't clear thread locals Task * [JBWS-856] - Complete WS-Policy implementation * [JBWS-1330] - Fix jaxrpc wsse tests for jbossws-5.0 * [JBWS-1571] - Provide/Verify WS-Policy implementation * [JBWS-1572] - Provide/Verify WS-PolicyAttachment implementation * [JBWS-1612] - Provide an integration layer for ESB * [JBWS-1614] - Provide an integration layer for JBossAS * [JBWS-1748] - Improve the documentation that explains proprietary DD options * [JBWS-1793] - Provide a test case for the tools scripts that reside under JBOSS_HOME/bin * [JBWS-1816] - JAXWS SOAPFault inheritance * [JBWS-1817] - WS-Security with JAX-WS Dispatch * [JBWS-1835] - Schedule metro issues at java.net * [JBWS-1842] - JAXB based ServiceRef meta data * [JBWS-1846] - Release jbossws-2.0.2.GA binary Errata FIXME: [JBCTS-540] EJB3 proxy does not implement the Home interface FIXME: [JBWS-1460] @XmlMimeType on SEI parameter declarations FIXME: [JBWS-1665] incorrect wsdl generation FIXME: [JBWS-1772] WSConsume output is not correctly redirected FIXME: [JBWS-1773] Verify isolated classloading with WSConsume FIXME: [JBWS-1776] Verify isolated classloading with WSProvide FIXME: [JBWS-1813] context-root in jboss.xml is ignored FIXME: [JBWS-751] Multiple schema imports with the same namespace FIXME: [JBWS-798] Complete EventingTestCase FIXME: [JBWS-981] Virtual host configuration for EJB endpoints What's new in jbossws-2.0.1.GA ------------------------------ Feature Request * [JBWS-1736] - MTOM property at service-ref level Bug * [JBWS-1453] - WSDL To Java - Invalid name for generated class if complex type name contains a period. * [JBWS-1536] - NPE in WSDL to Java when webservices.xml requested but no global package mapping * [JBWS-1617] - JAXRPC doc/literal trims empty string * [JBWS-1702] - JAXWS type inheritance * [JBWS-1723] - WSDL To Java - Anonymous Types Referenced As Bound Headers Not Handled Correctly * [JBWS-1725] - WSDL-JAVA Derivation of a complex type from a Simple type: bas64Binary is not mapped to byte[] * [JBWS-1732] - WSProvideTask throws IllegalArgumentException * [JBWS-1733] - JAXWS client ignores BindingProvider.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY * [JBWS-1747] - org.jboss.wsf.container.jboss42.WebMetaDataAdapter doesn't check if there's a J2eeApplicationMetaData instance set on the DeploymentInfo parent * [JBWS-1749] - JBossWS2.0.0.GA download does not contain updated jboss-xml-binding library * [JBWS-1762] - web.xml modified to web.xml.org - Subsequent runs fail * [JBWS-1763] - Incorrect handling of charsets when the default charset is not UTF-8 * [JBWS-1766] - UsernameToken ignores BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY * [JBWS-1771] - Post-handler-chain not invoked for "Standard Client" configuration with DII client * [JBWS-1780] - Context servlet throws NPE Task * [JBWS-1729] - Create a comprehensive SPI tools test suite * [JBWS-1770] - Fix Endpoint API for jboss-5.0.0.Beta3 Errata FIXME: [JBCTS-540] EJB3 proxy does not implement the Home interface FIXME: [JBCTS-624] R2753 cannot parse web.xml for jsp vehicle FIXME: [JBWS-1460] @XmlMimeType on SEI parameter declarations FIXME: [JBWS-1665] incorrect wsdl generation FIXME: [JBWS-1772] WSConsume output is not correctly redirected FIXME: [JBWS-1773] Verify isolated classloading with WSConsume FIXME: [JBWS-1776] Verify isolated classloading with WSProvide FIXME: [JBWS-751] Multiple schema imports with the same namespace FIXME: [JBWS-798] Complete EventingTestCase FIXME: [JBWS-981] Virtual host configuration for EJB endpoints What's new in jbossws-2.0.0 --------------------------- Feature Request * [JBWS-434] - Support sequences of anys in JAXRPC * [JBWS-1460] - @XmlMimeType and @XmlAttachmentRef on SEI parameter declarations * [JBWS-1518] - Add support for jdk-1.6 * [JBWS-1597] - WSDL To Java - Add support for bound headers. * [JBWS-1666] - Simplify jbosws jar dependencies * [JBWS-1564] - Support swaRef with JAX-WS * [JBWS-1618] - Make default context root for jaxws ejb endpoint configurable * [JBWS-429] - WSDL To Java - Create Custom Holders for Custom types that define INOUT parameters and OUT parameters * [JBWS-771] - Use part names that are friendly to .NET Bug * [JBWS-801] - Chunked transfer of large attachments * [JBWS-805] - Fault code is always 'Client' * [JBWS-859] - SOAPMessageUnMarshaller doesn't support HTTP server response [204] - No Content * [JBWS-862] - Return SOAP Fault for invalid soap messages * [JBWS-1093] - Deploying a war that also contains normal servlets the web.xml is modified as if they are all endpoints * [JBWS-1263] - Addressing does not disable the mustUnderstand attribute, which causes HandlerchainBaseImple.checkMustUnderstand to fail * [JBWS-1283] - Soap attachments were dropped on server responses. Attachment is added on a handler's handleResponse method; however it mysteriously disappeared on the outgoing soap message. * [JBWS-1339] - @Security domain vs. * [JBWS-1346] - wsa:ReplyTo alwayt null * [JBWS-1403] - NumberFormatException When Using StubExt.PROPERTY_CLIENT_TIMEOUT * [JBWS-1422] - NPE if @WebParam.name like "mX.." * [JBWS-1439] - Jdk 1.6.0 Requests get the error "setProperty must be overridden by all subclasses of SOAPMessage" * [JBWS-1446] - Invalid WSDL when a parameter of type Object is part of a webmethod * [JBWS-1468] - @Resource WebServiceContext for jbossas-4.x * [JBWS-1472] - Address in WSDL is now always replaced regardless of 'alwaysModifySOAPAddress' value. * [JBWS-1511] - MessageFactory does not preserve comments * [JBWS-1520] - No server response on invalid soap request * [JBWS-1553] - fails to read operations for portType from different namespace * [JBWS-1556] - @WebWservice does not work with class isolation * [JBWS-1563] - WSDLDefinitionsFactory doesn't resolve schema references locally * [JBWS-1566] - JBossWS-1.2.0.GA invalid wsdl generated when using @XmlSchema annotations on Types inheriting from >1 java package * [JBWS-1579] - @EndpointConfig ignored on SEI * [JBWS-1588] - Review jar in classpath for wsrunclient.sh * [JBWS-1594] - Support certificate password different from keystore * [JBWS-1595] - No typemapping for xsd:anyType with soap encoding * [JBWS-1607] - WSDL To Java - document/literal, IN OUT parameter incorectly used as return type. * [JBWS-1609] - Address in WSDL - Port value is -1 when server is requested with default port 80 * [JBWS-1611] - SOAPAction is not sent in dispath requests * [JBWS-1616] - Verify correct bahaviour of @WebService.wsdlLocation * [JBWS-1619] - ServletEndpointContext.getHttpSession always creates HTTPSession * [JBWS-1620] - Incorrect handling of MIME boundaries in MultipartRelatedDecoder * [JBWS-1621] - wstools.sh contain the wrong client libs and will fail * [JBWS-1622] - Multiple context root not supported * [JBWS-1624] - JBossWS samples don't work with JMX authentication * [JBWS-1625] - Calling SOAPPart.setContent() with a DOMSource containing an Element which is a SOAPElement the contents of the body are added twice. * [JBWS-1627] - WSDL To Java - Array Unwrapping uses incorect case to reference array type. * [JBWS-1647] - Text Node Preservation For Messages Sent Across The Wire * [JBWS-1653] - Post-handler-chain not invoked for "Standard Client" configuration * [JBWS-1657] - Error resolving swaref schema * [JBWS-1658] - SwaRef fails with doclit/wrapped endpoints * [JBWS-1659] - @XmlAttachmentRef ignored on method level * [JBWS-1660] - Resolve swaref schema through entity resolver * [JBWS-1680] - Dispatch.invoke does not throw a ProtocolException on Fault * [JBWS-1690] - Review wstools scripts and jars copied to client. * [JBWS-1691] - WSDL To Java - Initial Character of Service and SEI names should be upper case. * [JBWS-1692] - SOAPElement.importNode() not supported * [JBWS-1696] - MIssing wsdl4j.jar in scripts * [JBWS-1697] - WSDL To Java - Incorrect handling of Simple types derived by restriction for holders. * [JBWS-1698] - WSDL To Java - If fault name contains 'Fault' the generated Exception does not match the throws clause on the SEI * [JBWS-1706] - SOAPConnection.get fails with ProtocolException * [JBWS-1710] - StackOverflowError when calling SOAPDocument.createCDATASection * [JBWS-1711] - NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/xml/stream/buffer/XMLStreamBuffer Task * [JBWS-1661] - Update to jaxb-ri-2.1 Errata FIXME: [JBAS-3595] - Tomcat allows http access with transport guarantie CONFIDENTIAL FIXME: [JBWEB-68] Servlet.init(ServletConfig) not called FIXME: [JBCTS-540] EJB3 proxy does not implement the Home interface FIXME: [JBWS-1312] Fix JMS transport in trunk FIXME: [JBWS-1330] Fix jaxrpc wsse tests for jbossws-5.0 FIXME: [JBWS-1397] Fix for jboss-5.0.x FIXME: [JBWS-1460] @XmlMimeType on SEI parameter declarations FIXME: [JBWS-1617] JAXRPC doc/literal trims empty string FIXME: [JBWS-751] Multiple schema imports with the same namespace FIXME: [JBWS-798] Complete EventingTestCase FIXME: [JBWS-981] Virtual host configuration for EJB endpoints What's new in JBossWS-1.2.1 --------------------------- Feature Request * [JBWS-1156] - Implement injection of WebServiceRef * [JBWS-1021] - Implement javax.xml.ws.Endpoint * [JBWS-1022] - Implement javax.xml.ws.WebServiceContext * [JBWS-1023] - Implement javax.xml.ws.Service * [JBWS-1024] - Implement javax.xml.ws.BindingProvider * [JBWS-1025] - Implement javax.xml.ws.Dispatch * [JBWS-1070] - Add context-root in generated jboss-web.xml for Endpoint API * [JBWS-1207] - Async jaxws dispatch * [JBWS-1208] - Async jaxws proxy * [JBWS-1020] - Implement javax.xml.ws.Provider * [JBWS-1192] - Examples for JSR181 EJB Endpoints: show how to use a JavaBean as an operations's argument or return value * [JBWS-1388] - Notification validation before dispatch * [JBWS-1406] - WS-Eventing: event notification failure * [JBWS-1438] - Implement @WebServiceRef injection for JBossAS-4.2 * [JBWS-1443] - getMessageContext Not Implemented * [JBWS-1456] - Allow client configuration on StubExt * [JBWS-1457] - Support soap attachments on StubExt Bug * [JBWS-1079] - Incorrect WSDL to Java mapping for anonymous struct. * [JBWS-1336] - JAXWSDeployerJSE throws NPE * [JBWS-1389] - WebServiceProvider should be allowed on EJB3 beans * [JBWS-1409] - WsdlGenerator crashes on void-methods * [JBWS-1168] - JAXWS handler ordering * [JBWS-1357] - JAXWSDeployerJSE is not handling jsp servlet defs correctly * [JBWS-1374] - Package to namespace mapping is wrong * [JBWS-1375] - JSR181MetaDataBuilder inspects java.* classes * [JBWS-800] - ClassCastException when trying to marshal a subclass of Date * [JBWS-810] - Simple type with restriction * [JBWS-1184] - WSDL to Java - maps required xsd:double attribute to java.lang.Double * [JBWS-1231] - wstools/java-wsdl does not handle recursive types * [JBWS-1259] - WSDL To Java - StackOverflowError with self referencing element. * [JBWS-1260] - WSDL To Java - Parameter unwrapping fails for a lot of scenarios. * [JBWS-1285] - NPE when the soap encoded array size is 0 on the return path * [JBWS-1317] - webservices.xml override does not account for namespaces * [JBWS-1328] - Security configuration not correctly loaded when deployed as ear to JBoss 5.0.x * [JBWS-1378] - NPE in replaceAddressLocation with SOAP1.2 WSDL * [JBWS-1384] - Attachment parts with doclit message * [JBWS-1386] - ComplexType with base64Binary property * [JBWS-1393] - Problem interpreting messages with attachment when confronted with no header * [JBWS-1396] - Now jbossws-beans is exploded jbossws.sar must be exploded * [JBWS-1408] - NPE when jbossws.sar is not expanded * [JBWS-1410] - NumberFormatException From StubExt.PROPERTY_CLIENT_TIMEOUT * [JBWS-1427] - Handling of invalid binding port type ref and doc/lit message parts * [JBWS-1428] - Java to WSDL - Arrays defined with indexed properties within value type are skipped when generating the WSDL * [JBWS-1441] - WSDL to Java - Complex type defined with complexContent only last element is in the generated java class if base type is empty * [JBWS-1450] - WSDL To Java - Parameter unwrapping not handling nillable types correctly. * [JBWS-1451] - comparison of the mime type should not be case sensitive * [JBWS-1455] - WSDL To Java - Generated jaxrpc mapping contains same exception mapped multiple times if there are multiple operations. * [JBWS-1468] - @Resource WebServiceContext for jbossas-4.x * [JBWS-1497] - Fix failed resource lookup when offline * [JBWS-1501] - wsimport RI fails when processing parameterOrder on one-way operations Task * [JBWS-1284] - Gracefully handle invalid ImageIO mime types * [JBWS-1297] - Implement JAXB Fault Marshalling * [JBWS-1404] - Add support for differing namespaces on SEI and implementation bean * [JBWS-644] - JAXWS initial implementation * [JBWS-1031] - Use JAXB-2.0 for JSR-181 endpoints * [JBWS-1099] - Implement JAXWS Handler Framework * [JBWS-1150] - Implement JAXWS Logical Handlers * [JBWS-1315] - Implement WS deployers for jbossas/trunk * [JBWS-1425] - Update to remoting-2.0 * [JBWS-723] - Protect access to WSDL * [JBWS-1077] - Improve/Complete security documentation * [JBWS-1098] - Publicly available interop endpoints * [JBWS-1100] - Move WS-Eventing to updated wsa schema * [JBWS-1155] - Document SwA/XOP usage with JSR181 endpoints. * [JBWS-1307] - JAXWS user guide and samples * [JBWS-1418] - Provide JBossWS API docs * [JBWS-1429] - Cleanup PortComponent annotation * [JBWS-1433] - Remerge connector discovery code * [JBWS-1434] - Client programming: Add property API at Service level similiar to StubExt. * [JBWS-1473] - Setup soak and performance tests * [JBWS-1503] - Support XOP samples in tomcat * [JBWS-1504] - Resolve dependency on snapshots Errata FIXME: [JBWS-1294] Add support for mapping async methods FIXME: [JBWS-1511] MessageFactory does not preserve comments FIXME: [JBWS-434] Support sequences of anys in JAXRPC FIXME: [JBWS-751] Multiple schema imports with the same namespace What's new in jbossws-1.0.4 --------------------------- * [JBWS-660] XOP inline base64Binary and sign message * [JBWS-779] Add webservices.xml support to wsdlTojava * [JBWS-868] BPEL in jbossws-samples * [JBWS-1113] Improve performance of Service.getPort() * [JBWS-1178] Multiple virtual host and soap:address problem * [JBWS-1182] Change wsdl-java@file to wsdl-java@location * [JBWS-1200] Provide source download for GA release * [JBWS-1261] Provide support for additional MTOM java types besides byte[] * [JBWS-1299] Add support for wsdl-java@parameter-style * [JBWS-1302] Use EAR name in context root for EJB endpoints * [JBWS-1323] Add JBoss EULA * Bug fixes Errata FIXME: [JBWS-1291] Fix JaxrpcMappingValidator FIXME: [JBWS-1292] Fix XOPElementRPCTestCase FIXME: [JBWS-269] Support attachments in Web Services Tools FIXME: [JBWS-269] Support attachments in Web Services Tools FIXME: [JBWS-434] Support sequences of anys FIXME: [JBWS-798] Complete EventingTestCase FIXME: [JBWS-798] Complete EventingTestCase FIXME: [JBWS-798] Complete EventingTestCase FIXME: [JBWS-940] Add wsdl-java support for jdk 1.4 typesafe enums What's new in jbossws-1.0.3 --------------------------- * [JBWS-983] Configure SOAPAction on the Call object * [JBWS-1090] preventing override of webservices.xml when multiple web services are processed with wstools * [JBWS-1160] XOP Inline base64 for doc/lit requests * Bug fixes What's new in jbossws-1.0.2 --------------------------- * [JBWS-855] Provide MTOM for document/literal * [JBWS-920] integrate wstools wsdl2java functionality * [JBWS-921] integrate wstools java2wsdl functionality * [JBWS-932] Performance bottleneck when marshalling array types * Bug fixes What's new in jbossws-1.0.1 --------------------------- * [JBWS-776] WSDLToJava Support wildcards * [JBWS-852] Integration with Mikrocontainer * [JBWS-865] Support security annotations for EJB3 endpoints * [JBWS-871] Arrays with JSR181 endpoints * [JBWS-923] Complete MTOM for rpc/literal * Bug fixes