JBoss Weekly Editorial 29 May 2020
Welcome back! Things keep rolling along for us within Middleware at Red Hat. We have a couple of new releases and some blogs to talk about this week, so let’s dig in.
Infinispan - This CR release sees non-blocking internal changes, a non-blocking Store SPI, slight modifications to clustering scaling, better/more server security, CLI, kubernetes/OpenShift operator, and an update to documentation!
Quarkus 1.5.0.Final - The milestoe is done and the artifacts are in Maven Central. There are a few things left to do to offically announce the release, but all the coding is done. The link here is to the GitHub milestone for a list of issues completed.
To go along with the Infinispan release, a couple of new blog posts have come out:
Hot Rod URI, so you can connect via Hot Rod the same way you would a JDBC datastore.
Eric Schabell has a couple of entries into his Cloud-native development series:
There is also an entry called Reality Bites: 3 misconceptions that can lead to microservice mayhem discussing pitfalls to avoid while working with Microservices
Lastly, we want to cover episodes 2, 3, and 4 of the Quarkus Insights video podcast.
Episode 2 covers quarkus:dev
and Command mode.
Episode 3 discusses Hibernate and Panache.
The most recent one, episode 4, talks about JHipster for Quarkus.
You can find these video pod casts at YouTube or the audio on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.