This Week in JBoss - 25 February 2021

Welcome to another installment of our JBoss Editorial! Today, we’ll focus on Kogito and the upcoming major release of Wildfly. Enjoy!

Wildfly 23 Beta: Microprofile

As the release of the next major version of Wildlfy is coming up soon, Brian Stanberry took the time to write up a brief article on the progress with MicroProfile. If you have interested in playing with MicroProfile Platform 4.0 or see tech preview support for MicroProfile Reactive Messaging 1.0, go check out Wildfly 23 Beta1 and let us know what you think!


If you are already a Kogito user or if you are interested in exploring this software, there were a few articles released in the past two weeks that you might find interesting. The first one is on Kogito Notification API which is followed nicely by the second one on Event-driven decisions with Kogito

If you want something more practical, you’ll certainly enjoy the third article on 3 steps to author BPMN and DMN assets on GitHub Codespaces

Quarkus: Fast jar as default, Multipart support for RESTEasy Reactive

Following up the recent release of Quarkus 1.11.3.Final, Quarkus 1.12 was just released and includes some exciting new features. First, fast jar is now by default and the framework added multipart support for RESTEasy Reactive. Go check it out!

And if you have not yet looked into Quarkus, a new tutorial has been released: Enhancing the development loop with Quarkus remote development, so it’s the perfect opportunity to explore the framework potential and test it over OpenShift.

Evangelist’s Corner

As always, our very own Eric Schabell has provided the community with quite a lot of content in the last two weeks. First, you have a nice introduction to Business optimization architecture, which can be followed by this other piece on Business optimization architecture - Common architectural elements.

Of course, Eric has not forgotten the famous OpenShift and delivered a pretty nifty RefCard - Getting started with OpenShift published for DZone. Go grab it!


That’s all for today! Please join us again in two weeks for another installment of our JBoss editorial! Stay safe and healthy in the meantime.

Romain Pelisse