This Week in JBoss - 31 May 2021
Hello! Welcome to another edition of the JBoss Editorial that brings you news and updates from our community.
Hello again
To our community and all our readers,
I’d like to start this edition with a sincere and frank apology on behalf of the editorial team for the posts we missed in the last month.
There’s been a lot of awesome content that our community has shared and multiple project releases packed with useful new features and clever enhancements. We’re long overdue in highlighting and celebrating all the great work that JBoss teams are doing, not to mention all the brilliant work of our evangelists and other contributors.
It’s been a busy past few weeks and we’ve got a lot of great articles and releases to catch up on, so let’s go.
Release roundup
Let’s start things off with congrats to all the teams on their hard work!
JGroups 5.1.7 is released. Congrats, Bela!
Quarkus 1.13.6.Final has shipped, which is the latest in a recent series of updates to version 1.13.
Quarkus 2 CR2 is out!
Vert.x 4.1.0.CR2 is here, right on the heels of the beta and CR1 releases.
Infinispan 12.1.2 Final is available for download so go grab it.
Keycloak 13.0.1 is out!
Kogito Tooling 0.10.0 has launched!
Byteman 4.0.15 is now available!
Quarkus 2 AMA
With the recent release of Quarkus CR2, I’m sure we’re all anticipating Quarkus 2.0 GA.
As part of that release, Max and the rest of the Quarkus team are taking questions that they will answer on an episode of Quarkus Insights.
Use the #quarkusinsights
tag to submit a question via social media and tune in to Quarkus Insights #51: Q & A - Part II on June 2 to hear your questions answered.
Follow the social media links to post your question to the Quarkus team in their post, About to release Quarkus 2 - ask us anything!
From the community
Jeff Mesnil has authored a very helpful and detailed look at building and deploying WildFly applications on OpenShift using Helm Charts in his post, Helm Chart for WildFly
Over on the Infinispan blog, Ryan Emerson has shared some details about the CLI compiled to a native image in Infinispan Native CLI, which is well worth a read. You should also try downloading the latest Infinispan 12 server version and taking it for a spin with the native CLI!
Another recent one from the Infinispan team comes from Katia Aresti who, along with Ryan Emerson, explains how they built a real-time leaderboard using Data Grid and several Quarkus extensions to add some magic to this year’s Red Hat Summit Keynote.
Jacopo Rota on the Kogito blog explains how to how to deploy a Kogito service together with the TrustyAI infrastructure on an OpenShift cluster in only 15 minutes!
Have you been wanting to find out more about Shenandoah GC? Well, you should dive right in and check out Roman Kennke’s informative post, Shenandoah garbage collection in OpenJDK 16: Concurrent reference processing.
Bilgin Ibryam has recently posted Data Gateways in the Cloud Native Era that examines how data gateway components support different use cases and offer a solution for hybrid workloads spread across multiple cloud providers.
Last but certainly not least is Claus Ibsen’s webinar, Integrate systems in the age of Quarkus and Camel, that explores how the trio of Camel Quarkus, Camel K, and Kamelets simplify the work to manage and bind systems together.
Evangelist’s corner
Eric Schabell never disappoints and his previous series on architectural elements in a real-time stock control solution for retail was no exception. Eric rounds that series off nicely with Real-time stock control - Example stock control architecture.
Not one to rest for long, Eric Schabell launches a new series that tackles how to create a framework for accessing retail data from customers, stock, stores, and staff across multiple internal teams. I’m sure it’s going to be a brilliant series so go have a look for yourself and find out more in his post, Retail data framework - An architectural introduction.
I also really enjoyed reading through Christina and Eric’s Tooling guide for Getting Started with Apache Camel in 2021. It’s a well put together beginner’s guide to tools that can help with Camel applications.
Developers on film
Get your popcorn ready and sit back to watch some videos from our community. Here are my top picks for this week’s editorial: