This Week in JBoss - 04 November 2021
Hello! Welcome to another edition of the JBoss Editorial that brings you news and updates from our community.
Release roundup
Congrats on all the releases and great work from the community!
Keycloak.X Update, by Stian Thorgersen
Stian’s informative article takes us through the highlights and goes into detail about what’s coming with Keycloak.X. He also shares the roadmap for all the work that lies ahead for the Keycloak team. It looks like some awesome changes are coming with Keycloak.X so get ready!
Kogito Public API: The Road Ahead
The Road Towards a Kogito Public API, by Edoardo Vacchi
Edoardo gives an overview of the principles and reasoning that he and the Kogito team have put into the design of their new public API.
WildFly S2I v2 Architecture Overview
WildFly S2I v2 architecture overview, by Jean-François Denise
This informative post describes a set of pain points that the WildFly team plan to address with a re-architecture of the S2I images. JF Denise goes into detail and explains the benefits of the new approach that will offer more flexibility, increased efficiency , and a greatly improved user experience.
Distributed Security Realms in Elytron
Using distributed realm in Elytron, by Diana Krepinska Vilkolakova
Diana treats us to an overview of distributed security realms in Elytron that combine identities located across multiple security realms of any type into a single security realm.
Securing WildFly Applications with OpenID Connect
Secure WildFly applications with OpenID Connect, by F. Marchioni
This post covers a basic example for using OpenID Connect and the elytron-oidc-client in WildFly to secure applications.
Quarkus Insights
Get your popcorn ready and sit back to watch some Quarkus insights. Here are my top picks for this week’s editorial: