This Week in JBoss - 08 September 2022
Welcome back, glad to have you back with us this week! Progress continues to happen at JBoss, and Red Hat. We have some releases, blogs, and a couple of videos as well.
Quarkus 2.12.0 - GraalVM/Mandrel 22.2, Kotlin 1.7, Smallrye Config SecretKeys, and SQL Server JDBC Driver update
Quarkus 2.12.1 - A performance regression fix
Hibernate ORM 6.1.3 - Maintenance release
Hibernate ORM 5.6.11 - Maintenance release (includes performance fixes)
Kogito 1.27.0 - New feature release
Wildfly 26.1.2 - Maintenance release
Monitoring Quarkus Applications With Dashbuilder - Building dashboards using DashBuilder
The future of Keycloak Operator CRs - Looking at the new way of managing Keycloak resources
Bearer Token Support for the Elytron OIDC Client Subsystem - Learn how to update your application to support Bearer Tokens using OIDC (OpenID Connect)
Top 5 Reasons To Join Us At Open Source Day - September 16 is Open Source Day! Wildfly Electron was selected as a project for this day long hackathon
Building Java Enterprise applications using MongoDB - Dig into MongoDB in a Jakarta EE Application
Optimize loops with long variables in Java - A look into JVM loop optimizations
Until next time!
Everyone stay safe out there, and we look forward to seeing you in two weeks for our next edition!