This Week in JBoss - 24th February 2023
Welocme back everyone! I don’t know about where you happen to be, but where I’m living, we had the second largest snow storm in recorded weather history. I’ve been digging out my driveway and front door for a couple of days. Needless to say, it has been a bit cold here.
Also, my thoughts go out to those affected by the war between Russia and Ukraine, on this one year anniversary. Please stay as safe as you can.
Kogito 1.33.0 - This release includes some version bumps, further integrations, and of course, some bug fixes.
Eclipse Vert.x 4.3.8 - Mostly a bug fix release, but if you’re running Vert.x on Windows, it contains a fix for CVE-2023-24815.
Quarkus 2.16.2.Final - Some bugfixes and documentation improvements mostly.
Cloudevents Labeling and Classification with Drools - Matteo demos using declarative logic, persistence, eventing, and other tech to efficiently label and store Cloudevents.
DataCater uses Quarkus to make Data Streaming more accessible - Stefan explores DataCater and their reasoning in chosing to use Quarkus to replace their usage of Play! framework in reworking their data pipeline.
Express Hibernate Queries as Type-Safe Java Streams - Julia discusses the library
It allows you to write persistence queries in a more stream-like manner and also making the queries performant. -
Serverless Workflow Integration with Camel Routes - Ricardo demonstrates the integration of Camel Routes with Kogito Serverless Workflow.
Quarkus Newsletter #29 - Monthly Quarkus Newsletter for more Quarkus related information
Apache Maven Faqs for Java Developers - If you’re new to Apache Maven, or simply have some questions, this quick FAQ may help you out.
Until next time!
Again, everyone stay safe, and I hope that your tests stay green!