
We've provided a number of table styles using CSS for you to use depending on the type of information displayed.

Simply create a table as normal in a RichText / HTML paragraph and add the relevant class attribute to the <table> tag.

Simple Table style
Standard Version Standards Body Notes
SQL SQL-92 ANSI, ISO Primary query language used for data access through Teiid and for defining transformations in Teiid Designer.
JDBC 3.0 Sun The primary API for accessing Teiid and the Teiid Server. In addition, JDBC-accessible sources can be imported into Teiid Designer and integrated as data sources into Teiid, using one of the many JDBC connectors provided.
ODBC 3.5 Microsoft  
XA 3.5 The Open Group Defines the semantics for two-phase commits in distributed transactions. Used by Teiid.


<table class="simpletablestyle" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
        <tr class="header">
        <tr class="oddRow">
        <tr class="evenRow">

Definition Table style
Term This the styles for the old "deftable" from the old project pages. This is a straight paste into a Text & Image paragraph while in the "Source" mode.
Term This the styles for the old "deftable" from the old project pages. This is a straight paste into a Text & Image paragraph while in the "Source" mode.

Unordered Lists inline with the deftable.

  • Title - This is how UL/LI are styled in the paragraph.
  • Title - This is how UL/LI are styled in the paragraph.
  • Title - This is how UL/LI are styled in the paragraph.
  • Title - This is how UL/LI are styled in the paragraph.

<table cellspacing="0" width="75%" style="clear: both;" class="deftable">
            <td width="90" class="termFirst"></td>
            <td class="defFirst"></td>
            <td class="term"></td>
            <td class="def"></td>
            <td class="term"></td>
            <td class="def"></td>