Publishing pages
Once pages have been edited and the changes saved then they need to be published for users to see them on the internet.
Publishing a page in Magnolia is called activation and is carried out from the AdminCentral screen. If you wish to remove a page from the internet, but still be able to edit it, then you simply need to deactivate it.
Page Status
In Magnolia all pages are edited using an author server located at before being published onto one or more public servers that serve content at This design allows the public servers to be tuned for reading and simplifies the creation of a cluster to handle high loads. Copying a page from the author server to the public server/s is called 'activation' and removing it from the public server/s (but leaving it on the author server) is called 'deactivation'. For this reason the Status column in the Website tree of AdminCentral shows the current status of a page as follows: Red - the page only exists on the author server You will need to manually refresh the tree view to show the status of a page that's recently been being activated or deactivated as this happens asynchronously on the server.
Step 1: Activate the page
To activate a new or edited page simply select it in the tree list and click the 'Activate this page' button in the toolbar at the bottom. Alternatively you can right-click on the page name and select 'Activate this page' from the context menu that appears.
If you wish to activate a page including all of its subpages then you simply need to right-click on the page name and select 'Activate incl. sub pages' from the context menu.
Step 2: Enter an activation comment
Once you've chosen to activate a page then a new window will appear where you can enter an activation comment. This can be used to record a brief summary of the changes made. Clicking the Cancel button will cancel the activation process and no further action will occur. |
Once an activation comment has been saved then a dialog will appear confirming that the activation workflow has been started: |
Unpublishing pages
To remove a page from the internet, but still retain a copy for editing, you simply need to de-activate it.
This can be done by selecting the page in AdminCentral and clicking on the De-activate button on the toolbar at the bottom. Alternatively you can right-click on the page and select De-activate from the context menu that appears.
The status of the page will turn to red to indicate that it's no longer on the public server/s.